The Walking Dead (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game and The Walking Dead) is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games. Based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series , the game consists of five episodes, released between April and November 2012. It is available for Android, iOS, Kindle Fire HDX, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One; a version for the Ouya is planned for 2014.The Walking Dead occurs simultaneously with the events from the original comic series, where a zombie apocalypse overwhelms much of society.Characters in the game come to call the zombies "walkers", due to the slowness of their movement. Although the survivors initially think that being bitten by a zombie is the only way to become infected, it is later discovered that one becomes a zombie upon death irrespective of the manner in which one dies; only by damaging the brain can the reanimation be stopped. As with the comic and television series, the game's events occur in the state of Georgia.
System Requirement:
System: Pentium D 2.4 ghz
Ram: 1 GB
File Size : 2.59 GB
Password : www.muhammadniaz.net
Download all five parts and extract part 1 with WINRAR.
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